“I've started this blog… [as] a New Year's resolution to see how close I could get to [reprising] at least one photograph per day for 2011. … I hope you enjoy some of my blasts from the past.”

Friday, April 22, 2011

Old Photo #112 – Plum Coulee 3

This house, at the time of my growing up in Plum Coulee, was owned by my father's uncle & aunt, James & Agnes Peters. It, along with another house or two I photographed back in the day, was one of the many 'tired' houses; in need of paint and TLC.

Aunt Agnes did not take kindly to the late '60s trend of boys growing long hair. To be fair, her numbers were legion in small Mennonite towns, and my brothers & I bore the brunt of much of that criticism in our village. Ah well, all things pass, as has the long hair on the Brothers Peters.


  1. ....and the cousins Peters...well ok, only Rob and I. Rick and Barry were more of the clean cut Peters that everyone liked.
    No bitterness there at all......LOL....

  2. True that. Sorry to disinclude you & your bro, Merle.

  3. LOL....no worries. Very much enjoying the tour!
