“I've started this blog… [as] a New Year's resolution to see how close I could get to [reprising] at least one photograph per day for 2011. … I hope you enjoy some of my blasts from the past.”

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Old Photo #22 – Grant as Neptune Rising

One of the prime influences in directing my early-adult photographic skills was Grant Ball. I was introduced to Grant by a mutual friend, Ken Zacharias, who had met him when they were students in the Red River College photo course. Grant was – and is still – a Leica enthusiast who had attended Minor White workshops, who had a limited edition folio of Paul Strand prints; in short, a superb influence.

But Grant is also a delightful goof. Now, why would that appeal to me, I ask rhetorically?

It's also delightful to see the love of photography move across generational lines. Grant influenced me, I influenced Cole and, recently, Grant bought a Leica M9 through Cole – and now they are friends. Of such is made the richness of a life.


  1. Have you sent Grant the link for the blog? I'm sure he'd love to see/read this.

    And, as always, fantastic capture — this one is among my favourites.

  2. Furthermore, I propose that the three of us (Grant, you and myself) arrange some photo outings together once this abominable white stuff melts off.
